“Latina Literature at the Crossroads: Defining Our Terms” Co-presented by the Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center and St. Mary’s University on July 11-13, 2002 at the St. Mary’s University Center. Latina letters, whose very origins are to be found at important literary crossroads, reap the benefits of the pioneering work of former generations. The younger writers take their place alongside their ‘mainstream’ counterparts-American writers all. Was this the end-goal of the first wave of Latina writers? What are the alternatives to separatist impulses and their assimilationist parallels in literature and publishing? Is Latina letters defined by geography, language, subject matter? Join us this summer as we explore these and other related themes. In addition to a series of daytime panels and presentations, the Conference will welcome to San Antonio some of the most important writers and scholars in the field.

For information on the conference you can go to the Guadalupe Culural Arts Center Website at http://www.guadalupeculturalarts.org/literature.html
– or contact
Veronica Rodriguez at latinaletters@guadalupeculturalarts.org
or Dr. Gwendolyn Diaz, St. Mary’s at gwendiaz@att.net

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